Pledge to Stop Puppy Mills!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dogs in the City

Just because you don’t have a big yard does not mean you can’t adopt a loving pet. But there are some guidelines that you want to follow when choosing your apartment dwelling pooch. Certain types of dogs do better in apartment settings—adhering to these guidelines can help you have success when choosing the perfect companion.

Look for a low to medium energy dog. Examples of low energy dogs are Cocker Spaniels, Dachshunds, Whippets and most Terriers. Dogs with low energy levels don’t need extensive walks or workouts as long as they get sufficient exercise and are not overfed. This does not mean you get to leave your dog sitting around all day—but a walk around town or a quick romp in the park is enough for low energy dogs to be satisfied.

Medium energy dogs require more time and attention. Examples of medium energy dogs are Brittany Spaniels, Akitas, Boxers and Samoyeds. While these dogs are on the larger side—they adapt well to the city life with the proper care. These dogs are able to live in good-sized apartments but they must be taken on long walks and given lots of exercise.

Toy breeds are also good—while they do have high energy they are small enough that they don’t need a lot of space to get the exercise they need. Now remember that your apartment pup can be any combination of these breeds and many more –mutts make just as good companions and normally lack the genetic defects of purebreds.

Training is also very important for having an apartment dog. And not just your basic sit, stay and roll over. In order for dogs to peacefully coexist in the city it is important for them to be very well trained on a leash. You and others around you don’t want your dog pulling you all over the crowded streets. Also you need to teach your beloved pet some noise control. You and your neighbors will be happier when your doggy uses his indoor voice.

The third most important thing to train your dog is by far the hardest. You have to teach your pup to be comfortable being alone. It can seem harsh but your dog will most likely be stuck in the apartment when you are working and you want to make the situation as free of stress as possible. The best way to train a young dog to be alone is crate training. Crate training is excellent for dogs because it gives them a safe place to be when you are not home and it also gives them a place to go and relax on their own even when you are home. Crate training must be done properly—the Humane Society offers an entire tutorial on how to properly crate train.

If you dream of having your canine companion by your side in the big city, it is possible. But remember that in order to make the experience enjoyable, it must be done right.

By Sarah Holt, ImPRessions

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Moving or Relocating?

If you are looking for a new place to live, and you have pets, make sure you find a place that allows pets and does not require declawing for cats (this is a very inhumane surgery). Your pet has come to love you and depend upon you, it only makes sense to live in a place where they are welcome. Have you ever seen a video of a dog welcoming his owner back from Iraq? When you watch that video, think about all the pets that are given up by their owners and how much they must miss them. When you adopted a pet, you took on a major responsibility and it shouldn’t be taken lightly.

If you decide that you are simply unable to keep your pet, start looking for a new home with plenty of time to spare. Good homes are not found over night. When looking for a new home for your pet make sure to talk to the adopter about their plans for the future and try to place your pet in a forever home so they are not bounced around for the rest of their lives. Ask questions so that a good match can be made. Do not give pets away for free. There is a group of people, called Class B Dealers, who gather free animals and then sell them to research facilities. This happens all over Ohio and throughout the country. We cannot stress enough that you need to be careful of where you send your pet. Please visit for information and resources to help you.

Turning your pets loose to fend for themselves in the streets should NEVER be an option. Many cats and dogs left on country roads and in town, die a long and painful death of starvation. Cats and dogs are run off by people who do not want to take on the responsibility of another pet. Many are hit by cars and many in the country are shot. This can all be avoided by finding a loving home for your pet or taking dogs to the dog shelter to give them a fighting chance at a new home.

The Athens County Humane Society can assist people with finding new homes for your pets. Placements cannot be made overnight so be sure to contact us early. Some guidelines are in place and a small donation may be requested for our assistance. We will interview all potential adopters and give them exposure on and other advertising.

Finally remember that pets are a part of the family and they depend on YOU. So take care of them, love them, and cherish them and they will bring you happiness for years to come.

by Briana Simmons, ImPRessions